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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

India can Change

India can change when, Indian Political party's discuss:

Priority to live a happy, healthy and hygienic life. Priority to live life with respect and dignity.
Future Vision to create Modern Farm Land. Live with a Cleaner and Greener Nature.
Eliminate Dust pollution. Create Higher Educated Population. Secured Financial Stability.
To Live among Trustworthy, Like-minded Citizens. To Care, Share and Trust.
Eliminate Poverty and Corruption. Financial Stability with Global Business Opportunities.
Improve Dairy Farm, Green House Foods, Food Processing Industry.
Create infrastructures like Education systems, Roods, Hospitals, Old Age homes, Orphanages.
Provide Free Healthcare Policies, free Education, free Housing and Social Security Plans.
Transparent media, and free communication internet facility. Generate Greener Energy.
Affordable to common man at lower price.
The standard of living is highest, only when the hygienic lifestyle is affordable.
To live a satisfying life, to earn an respectable wealth.
To empower villages, farmers, to live a satisfying and educated life-style.
Implement machines in farming. Live in brotherhood and compassion.
live a addiction free life, to meditate. Respect and equality within men and women.
Believe in peace. Eliminate superstition and orthodox stories of various gods.
Faith and belief in the proof of science. Not to gamble, but to take calculated risk.
To empower every Indian with constructive patriotism.
Be Developed nation: consider the entire planet as our home.
Earn wealth with a noble objective to serve humanity.
To live in a corrupt free world, with dignity, respect, peace, and brotherhood.

Below are some of the suggestions which we notice commonly in India:

Create dog shelters and cow shelters.To Eliminate dogs and cows on streets.
Stops dogs barking and noise pollution. (This is ridiculous but true, while everyone is asleep at night, when one dog starts barking, all other dogs start barking.)
Eliminate use of loud speakers, especially after 6pm and before 8am.
Eliminate beggars on the streets by providing free hygienic modern ashrams.
Eliminate dust pollution on roads with hydro-seeding grass technology.

Provide electronic home appliances for minimal cheaper prices, like washing
machine, freezers, microwaves, etc.
Provide sweeper truck machines to sweep streets.
Introduce proper waste management systems.
Introduce garbage trucks and machines to control waste.
Provide Laundromats with washing machines and cloth driers.
Provide free primary education and food to every child.
Provide best facilities and infrastructure to poor at cheaper prices.
Eliminate poverty by providing free amenities.
Introduce meditation as compulsory education in schools and colleges.
Eliminate playing movie songs of lust in buses and public places.
Provide free Internet in all public libraries.

Link to this article.
India can change.
