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Friday, August 19, 2022

Creating India. Creating our life.

If we want to live a good life. Then we must create it ourselves. Good life means our body and mind must be healthy.
We can create a good life for ourselves by spreading the awareness to people arround us.

Here is a link, how to spread the awareness. How to transform India. The Critical Mass, Experiment:

Here is the link, how to create a good health. Control of Air pollution, and Water.

Government, air, water, clean, health.

Floor Sweepers. Air, Dust.

Animal shelter. For stray animals.

Manual sweeper walking, cycling.

Biofuel. Home made.

India deserves best.

Meaning of Bharat.

History of India by Jaffrey Armstrong.

Born 1897. Aged 124 years.

India can change.

Alternative energy.

Writing my first book.

Educational Tour to Developed Nations.

Hot Water Sulphur Spring Pool in India.

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Creating India. Creating our life.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Basavanna Basaveshwara.

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PM Modi shows his reverence to Bhagwan Basaveshwara in BharatKiBaat.

Replying to a question posed by Santosh Patil from Karnataka.

PM Modi recalled how, even in 12th century, he had  dedicated his life towards empowerment of women and brought together people across castes, class, gender and championed democracy in its truest form.

Anubhava Mantapa, established by Basavanna in the 12th Century C.E. is located in Basavakalyan in Bidar district of Karnataka. It is the first religious parliament in the world whose literal meaning is "experience pavilion".

Anubhava Mantapa the first Parliament of the world.
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Anubhav mantapa project. 
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Basavanna Basaveshwara.

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Monday, March 28, 2022

Chandigarh planned City of India.

As I have lived in Chandigarh. I say that it's one of the best cities I have seen.

Especially the broad straight roads, in square grid layout. 

With plenty of green gardens and huge trees on the road sides.

It's green and clean. Beautiful. 

As it was designed and planned in 1940's and 50's. At the time of Indian independence. By global architects, engineers. 

Below are great videos.

India's Planned Capital City.
Designed by Le Corbusier.
Link to this video. Search more.

In Hindi.
India's best planned city. 
Chandigarh Master Plan 
by Le Corbusier.
Link to this video. Search more.

The Planning of Chandigarh in 5 Minutes.
Link to this video. Search more.

As seen in the below video.
It consists of 40 such road intersections.

Chandigarh - Le Corbusier's architectural wonder, 16 Stadium Chowk as seen from ahigh, aerially.
Link to this video. Search more.

Chandigarh is on rank 3, in India's Cleanest City list.

In 2018, Chandigarh is on the 3rd position in Swachh Survekshan.
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Chandigarh planned City of India.

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Sunday, March 20, 2022

Kashmir in 1990's.

In Kashmir Hindus were called as pandits. Which included different castes of Hindus.

The ethnic hindu communities in ancient kashmir didn’t have cast system. Hindus were in minority of five to ten percent collectively called as pandits.

Ethnic Pandits lived past thousands of years.

If we focus from 1987 to 1993.

In the Kashmir state government. Mr Jagmohan was governor from 1984 to 1989. There was presidential rule.

Mr farook Abdullah was chief minister CM from 1986 to 1990. In 1989 he released 70 terrorists. In 1991 he directed his party members to go Pakistan and receive arms training, but not to get caught by Mr Jagmohan. He motivated them. 

In central government. Until 1989 congress was ruling. PM was Mr Rajeev Gandhi. 

In 1990 PM was Mr VP Singh of Janata dal. 

In 1988 Mr Jagmohan had warned PM Mr Rajeev Gandhi, but he neglected, as he was friend of Mr farook Abdullah. He resigned in 1989. 

14 th August was celebrated as Pakistan independence day, and 15 th August was a black out. Hindu women were not allowed to wear tika on forehead. Acid was thrown on face. 

In 1989 five terrorists were released as the daughter of home minister Mr Mufti Muhammad Sayeed was kidnapped by jklf. 

The local Hindus were unable to protect themselves as the terrorists were equipped with sophisticated weapons obtained by Pakistan. Along with the state government support. 
Pakistan ISI spent hundred million rupees per month in 1992. This type of investment was difficult for the Indian army too. Out of question for the local Hindus. 

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Kashmir in 1990's.

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Modi to Farook Abdullah

Mr Farook Abdullah was chief minister CM from 1986 to 1990. 

In 1989 he released 70 terrorists. This was the reason for exodus of Kashmir Hindus.

In 1991 he directed his party members to go Pakistan and receive arms training, but not to get caught by Mr Jagmohan. As he motivated them. 

Mr Farook Abdullah is challenged by PM Modi.

In the past thousand years of Indian history. The deepest wound is from Kashmir. Because of Mr Farook Abdullah’s selfish political interest. 

PM Modi, with Commitment of secularism. Brotherhood and prosperity.

Sarva pantha samabhav, (equality).

Ekam Sat Vipra Bahudha Vadanti (this is an Upanishadic statement, meaning One God Is Worshipped In Different Names).

Link to this article.
Modi to Farook Abdullah.

Indian sanatani muslims.

Video of Sri Sri Ravishankar on diversity of religions.

Kannada Ibrahim Sutar.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Law enforcement in india

Corruption. Cut money. Bribe.

India, bharat can develop only when there is fear to commit crimes.

Strong and strict enforcement of Laws. Strict law and order. Must be extremely strict towards government employees, ministers, ngo, press, media. For all those who are directly responsible for public welfare.

Suggestions for India.

They must be afraid to commit crimes. Strict Punishment is necessary. Government parliament bill resolution for punishment must be extremely strong. Must be passed, accepted, cleared, implemented immediately, as soon as possible.

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Watch this video.

Corruption in india. 

Corruption is rampant in india. Corruption is a huge problem and an hurdle for India.

Recently in March 2022 political party AAP won in Punjab. AAP was associated with "India against corruption", Anna Hazare's movement in 2013. 

The Lokpal and lokayukta Bill was passed and approved in 2013. But Since 2019. In the past three years lockpal has not prosecuted any one. Nill, zero. 

Where as the corruption complainants recieved in one year, 2021-22, are four thousand two hundred (4200), against the officers.
In 2020-21 it's 4300. 
In 2019-20 it's 1400.

But zero prosecutions by lokpal.

Past nine years, until 2022. What action is taken by lokpal. 

But there is corruption in india. Lokpal is at Central level. Lokayukta is at the state level.  

It's an anti-corruption institution, ombudsman. It enquiries in allegations of corruption on public personalities including prime minister of India. 

It includes one chairperson and eight members. Prime minister will be the chairman of selection committee, he will advise the President to appoint the chairperson and members. 

Appointment of, director of enquiry prosecution, is missing. 

More videos. 001

Sujit Nair:
Why aren't the Gandhis arrested yet?
Link to this Video.

Centre Stops ₹7000 Cr Ration Funds To State For Not Putting PM’s Photo.
Link to this video.

Corruption cut money bribe.

Types of leaders.

Manipulation to achieve desires.

Logic of Good and Bad:

Anti-Corruption Movement in India.

Corruption in INDIA by Rich Politicians.

My Country, India, Superstitious, Dirty, Corrupt

Duty, Responsibility, Law and Order

Link to this article.
Law enforcement in india.

Indian history.

India is great.


Sunday, March 6, 2022

Indian history. Gravitas. Palki Sharma Upadhyay.

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India has been free for 75 years as of 2022. It's time to reconnect with our rich heritage.

75 years since Independence, time for India to reclaim its rich heritage.

India has always been ahead of the times, be it in mathematics or medicine. 

Yet, when the British colonised India, they hammered in an inferiority complex.

Ancient India was advanced.

Mr Barbayan in 800 BC, calculated Pythagoras theorem. Mr Pythagoras lived in 570 BC. He studied under Hindu sages. 

Mr Hemchand and Mr Gopala studied Fibonacci numbers sequence long before Fibonacci. 

Below is the list of more Indian inventions.

(1) Indian invented zero.

(2) How to calculate value of Phi. 

(3) Decimal system or binary digits.

(4) Mr Arya Bhatta on solar system.

(5) Mr Arya Bhatta on diameter of earth and moon.

(6) Indian science goes beyond 5000 years. 

(7) Indus valley civilisation on English brick bonding.

(8) Doctor Mr Sushrut on plastic surgery in 800 BC, in Kashi. 300 operations and 121 surgical instruments. Used Herbs. Cataract removal. 

(9) Use of turmeric for healing.

(10) Use of neem as pesticide.

History is Eurocentric and false claims. Stealing ideas and innovations. Indian heritage is not inferior. It’s much superior.

(11) Cotton gin machine.

(12) Ancient Dock in Gujarat.

(13) Steel in 500 BC.

(14) Mr Karan on atomic theory before Mr John Dalton. 

(15) Smelting Zink by distillation. 

India never invaded another country.
India thought Science, mathematics and astronomy. And tolerance. 

(16) birth of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism. 

Freedom is being proud of Culture, color, and custom. 
Let’s start looking inwards. 
India has been far ahead of time.

Link to this article.
Indian history.

Bharat Hinduism Religion Culture.
