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Saturday, October 21, 2023

Kashmir glass ceiling train.

In Kashmir valley, Indian Railways launched the Vistadome Coach, an all-weather glass-ceiling air-conditioned train. 

Visitors will find opportunity to see Kashmir's scenery. As they will be able to do so from a glass carriage.

With tourism in the Kashmir valley hitting record highs this year 2023, the government of India has given residents and visitors an additional experience. 

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Sharing a few links below, to explore the journey of my life. It's an effort to provide better understanding of life. This might even help in finding solutions and answers to problems and questions.

Control of Air pollution, and Water.

Government, air, water, clean, health.

Floor Sweepers. Air, Dust.

Animal shelter. For stray animals.

Manual sweeper walking, cycling.

Biofuel. Home made.

India deserves best.

Meaning of Bharat.

History of India by Jaffrey Armstrong.

Born 1897. Aged 124 years.

India can change.

Alternative energy.

Writing my first book.

Educational Tour to Developed Nations.

Hot Water Sulphur Spring Pool in India.

Link to this article.
Creating India. Creating our life.

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Kashmir glass ceiling train.
