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Saturday, January 13, 2024

Suggestions for India

Meditation will eliminate corruption. Meditation for 60 minutes minimum must be made mandatory in all government office, education institutions.  Also in private sector.

Population control policy.  Restriction for number of children per family. Or for each man (or husband) and woman (or wife). 

Increase the ro drinking water dispensing centers.

Provide good quality dust free breathing air in public places. Provide air-conditioned buses and trains at a normal Lower ticket price. Do not allow standing passengers for routes more than 30 minutes journey time. Do not charge ticket price for standing passengers.  Collect ticket money only for sitting seats. Not for standing Passengers. Search more.

All buses and trains must be dust free air-conditioned buses.  Not only in big cities but all other towns and villages in bharat. Bus and trains must be washed with soap water disinfectant everyday. Eliminate pests,  cockroaches and insects inside train and bus. Provide light weight public transport electric vehicles.

Provide air-conditioning in general and second class railway couches. There are cockroaches, pests and dust in general and second class railway couches.  Every citizen must be provided world class facilities with par to other nations which are having same ranking as of bharat.

Eliminate and ban all the tobacco products. Eliminate tobacco products which create air, water and garbage waste pollution. Another solution is to make meditation compulsory. To eliminate bad addictions. 

There must be no stray animals on streets.  Provide animal shelters everywhere across bharat.

Reduce price of health care products like detergent,  soap, chlorine liquid, water purifiers,  air purifiers,  health products.

Provide footpaths and gutters to control dust on all roads. Not only in big cities but also in villages.

Eliminate caste based Reservations. Free education, food,  shelter,  clothing. 

Provide low priced electric vehicles,  vacuum cleaners,  sweeper machines, air and water purifiers. 

Provide financial discounts to those who don't have financial strength for education.  Provide free or low fees professional education for medical,  engineering,  Law, and all other professional education.

Provide cheaper food restaurants and outlets similar to Indira canteen.

Providing medicines at a cheaper price was a good initiative. Improve and increase the Service outlets. 

Centralized internet database of resumes for employment of the unemployed. Centralized human resource management by government of India. 

Provide small piece of farmland to every citizen. Fix the limit of farmland ownership for each individual citizen.

Distribute total income equally among all employees.  Provide equal salary limits for all citizens. For 5 years period. After which the salaries can be based on qualification or contribution for next five years.  This can be changed and repeated every 5 years. This must be implemented only after proper analysis of effects on economy.

People's few visions, suggestions and expectations for a better India.

Modi is the Best thing that happen to India Ever. (Samvada English)

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Sujit Nair:
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Suggestions for India.

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