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Monday, August 19, 2024

Gandhi & Partition.

Initially Mohandas Gandhi was against partition.  But in 1947 due to riots of hindu muslim.  He agreed for partition to stop the riots.

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Ghandhi wanted to visit Pakistan to establish peace and brother. 
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Ghandhi & partition. 


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Corruption & Meditation.

How to eliminate Corruption.

Meditation will eliminate corruption. Daily Meditation for 60 minutes minimum must be made mandatory in all government office, education institutions.  Also in private sector.
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Transformation of emotions. 

Benefits of meditation.

Why to meditate.

Meditation is a healing scientific technique implemented by all religions and casts. Concept of Sanatan Dharma. Including muslims and christians of Sanatan Dharma.
Link to this video.  Search more.

Scientific Experiments.

Population control law for two children is necessary for Indian citizens. 

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Suggestions for India.

Along with education, meditation is also necessary. My education transformed me superficially. Made me civilized. But. My meditation transformed me deeply, made me realized.
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Education with Meditation.

If we want to live a good life. Then we must create it ourselves. Good life means our body and mind must be healthy.
We can create a good life for ourselves by spreading the awareness to people arround us.
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Creating India. Creating our life.

How to transform India. 
How to bring transformation. 
Transformation with Persistence.
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Story of scientists experiment.

India is unconquerable. 
How India survived brutal invasions. 
Find out the science behind sanatan dharma.
Either muslim, christian or whatever. 
We all have hindu DNA. 
Only Hinduism gives us full freedom to search.
Questions answered: Why Religion and Conflict ?
Why India has 33 million Gods & Goddesses ?
How British Looted India. Facts of Indian Civilization. Indian history explained. 
Read more about this. 

Bharat Hinduism Religion Culture.

United we stand.  Unity in diversity. 
Read more about this. 

Cast, God and Religion.

Transformation by contagious minds. 

Everything is contagious.

Link to this article. 
Corruption & Meditation. 
