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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Indian History. Jaffrey Armstrong

Below is the video by Jeffrey Armstrong. 

He explains, who is threatened by Narendra Modi. 
Who exactly is Narendra Modi. 
His character, dedication to higher principles, truth. 
Respect for other religions is hindutwa. 
To protect and establish justice. 

Vedic, Sanatan Dharma. 
Non colonising. 
Non fragmenting. 
Respects disagreements. 
Live and let live. 
Objective of all living entities for peace. 
Immortal beings. 
Unity in diversity. 
First in thousand years. 
Not a puppet of evil. 

Anyone who doesn't want India to be hindu, will dislike Modi. 
His dedication is to support Vedic hindu culture. 
To lead everyone in a peaceful way for living together. 
Humble, courageous, clear and outspoken. 
Doesn't speak harshly of others. 
Dedicated, determined, focused with higher character. 
Role model, leader. 
Using multiple modalities to deal with current crisis. 

Multiple modalities of science from ayurveda, yoga, diet, wellbeing, holistic, herbs, modern medicines, vaccines, ancient ways of healing. 
Ancient culture on planet. 
Ancient sophisticated reliable renaissance. 
Honest integrus pm. 
Healing the ancient colonial damage. 

Restoring social environment in a mad World. 
Connected in spirit with mother Vandana Shiva. Healing agriculture. 
Modalities, essence of Hindu way of living. 
Peacefully upon earth. 
Correct utilisation of land. 
Relationship with one another. 
Foster growth of culture. 
Education and educational institutions, Learning. 
Respectful nonviolent way. 

Guidance of Acharya. Teaching by example. 
Powerful, humble, kind, intelligent, erudite, learned. 
Not from a powerful family. 
To personify Vedic ideal. 
Rise to position by merit. 
Lesson to democracy. 
Personification of using resources to benifit everyone. 
Playing a long viewed game plan. 
Renaissance of Hindu Vedic culture. 
Karishma from Krishna.

Who are afraid of Modi are as follows: 
Violent library burners are afraid of him. 
Malicious intentions. Dominating. 
Anti Diversity, anti bio-diversity, anti ecology, anti immortal, Violent. 

Democracy is threatened by billionaires. 
Wealth providing political power and influence. 
Abuse of money and resources.

Who is Narendra Modi
Search more.

Law enforcement in india.

India deserves best.

Meaning of Bharat.

Government, air, water, clean, health.

India's global contribution. Sadhguru.

Jeffrey Armstrong speaks passionately about India. 
Provides insights into
the history of empire and colonisation.

Britain's $45 trillion India loot was expressly sanctioned by the Church (pope).

India civilised & shaped the modern world - and how the West stole Indian
inventions which it subsequently claimed credit for.
Link to this video. Search more.

The West has erased records of Ancient Greece & Rome being civilised by
Link to this video. Search more.

India after experiencing centuries of barbaric colonisation, how India is
now reverse-colonising the world.
Link to this video. Search more.

Link to this article.
History of India by Jaffrey Armstrong.

Link to main page.
