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Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Meaning of Bharat.

Indian culture is:
Unity in diversity.  

Meaning of Bharat. 
Bha - sensational experience.
Ra - raga, tune.
Tha - rhythm.  

The different rhythms of many in tune with single raga. 

Bharat, has culture with many religions. 

Single God is dictatorship.

Different tools are different gods.

The goal is liberation.

Democratic power is the balance of mind and body.

Hindustan means land between Himalayas and Indian Ocean.

istha devata - is ones own created God. 

“Bharatvarsha” lived for thousands of years, a union of over two hundred kingdoms.  

King Bharata extended the boundaries of his empire, more through inclusion than conquest.

The arts evolved phenomenally in this land. A few thousand years ago when the rest of the world was striving and struggling in nomadic groups for survival, India saw the heights of music, mathematics, astronomy and scientific development.

Indians took pride in building the nation not on the sameness of people but on their diversity. 

Every fifty kilometres of travel, you found people with different languages and lifestyles. 

The fundamental aspect of living in India is that whether you are a king, businessman or householder, your highest goal is mukti or liberation. It was not even god or heaven. God is just a stepping stone for us. 

This country is the only “god-less” country on the planet because here, we know that God is of our making. 

We developed a whole science of “god-making” through which you can create your very own god – your ishta devata. This is a land of an estimated 330 million gods and goddesses.

India never had any belief system or established morality. There was only vibrant spirituality, and that has always been the guiding force. 

If spirituality is lost, this is the most immoral country because we have no guilt problems like in the West. 

We have the know-how and scientific methods that could lead to wellbeing of all.  

Before individuals step out towards external accomplishments, they must arrive at a sense of inner wellbeing.

The very basis of what we refer to as Bharat is this inclusiveness.

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Meaning of Bharat.

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