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Thursday, December 23, 2021

India is great.

Jis Desh Mein Ganga Behti Hai Raj Kapoor

Link to YouTube.

छोड़ो कल की बातें 
Chhodo Kal Ki Baatein
Link to this YouTube.

Hai Preet Jahan Ki Reet
Link to this YouTube.

Link to this article.
India is great.

Law enforcement in india.

Indian history.


Friday, December 3, 2021

Sweeper manual walking cycling.

Here is the list of:

Low cost, 
walking manual sweepers. 
And Cycling sweepers.

I am interested in manufacturing this product and sell it to government street sweeper systems, in villages and towns. 

Anyone interested to be my investment partner, let me know.


Eco Friendly Road Footpath Cleaner Machine Semi Automatic Mechanical Floor Cleaner

Video Channel.

Download Project Details

User-friendly road and floor cleaning machine. 

Operated manually so that it can be as an alternative for conventional electric cleaning machine. 

Dust cleaning  with a pair of wheels connected to shaft. The wheels are moved with the manual force. 

The handle can be adjusted for height.

A chain drive is connected to the wheels and gear at each side.

The brush moving the direction of the wheels move the brush brooms.

The waste garbage on the road into the waste-collecting box. It can be removed to dispose.











Cycle sweeper. 


Cycling sweeper.


Water spray handle. Low cost. Road cleaning machine  


Search for:

Different types of street floor road sweeping machines used in india


Indian Tractor mounted. 
Road Sweeping Machine Manufacturers.
Road Sweeping Machine.


Indian Tractor mounted. ROAD SWEEPER MACHINE


Air pollution. Water.

Indian modern sweepers.
Floor Sweepers. Air, Dust.

Biofuel. Home made.

India deserves best.

Meaning of Bharat.

History of India by Jaffrey Armstrong.

Born 1897. Aged 124 years.

Government, air, water, clean, health.

Animal shelter.

India deserves best.

India can change.

Alternative energy.

Writing my first book.

Educational Tour to Developed Nations.

Hot Water Sulphur Spring Pool in India.

Link to this article.
Manual sweeper walking, cycling.


Thursday, December 2, 2021

Government, air, water, clean, health.

Clean air and water will heal the society. 

Good health is important factor. Using health we can create wealth and peace. If health is lost then everything is lost. 

The government must create and provide an efficient system to manage the society. 

We the people create the government. 

People vote and elect the system of government in a democratic nation like India. 

The government authorities will create systems when they hear the desires of the people. 

People must spread the awareness by collectively seeking for governments performance. This much be done in peaceful constructive manner.  Without creating any chaos and strikes. 

After the government authorities create the systems procedures. The people working with the government will implement and execute. 

Government will pay the salaries to the employees. But the employees must be capable to perform the work. People must have a wise mind and healthy body to execute the assignment.  

Capability of mind to learn and understand. Conscious mind without intoxication, creates a healthy body. Intoxication destroy the mind and body. Conscious mind by meditation. Healthy body by food and yoga. Concentration to connect mind and body. 

Wisdom to use new machines. To implement new technologies. 

I want to contribute my actions by spreading this awareness. It’s my desire to live a healthy life. As I am surrounded by people living in a society. I want to gather respect and blessings of the people. 

Air pollution. Water.

Floor Sweepers. Air, Dust.

Biofuel. Home made.

India deserves best.

Meaning of Bharat.

History of India by Jaffrey Armstrong.

Born 1897. Aged 124 years.

Link to this article.
Government, air, water, clean, health.


Thursday, November 4, 2021

Air pollution. Water. Food. Roads.

Footpaths with drainage gutters.

Dust free roads provide health. All roads within the cities, towns and villages. Roads which are populated with people. Must have footpaths with drainage gutters. 

This will reduce eliminate dust pollution. Dust effects the health of people.

Link to this YouTube. Search.

Health depends upon vegetarian and non-vegetarian food products grown in germs free hygienic environment of air and water. The quality of health depends upon air and water. 

Food quality is dependent on air and water. 

Human health depends upon breathing air, drinking water and consumed food products.

The soil to grow vegetarian food products requires water to be hygienically germs free. 

The air arround the vegetarian products affects the leaves and fruits. 

The air mix with moisture to form water entering the soil. Affects the water of fish and aquatic products. 

Link to this YouTube. Search.

The air arround the non-vegetarian products affects the birds and animals. 

The water consumed by non-vegetarian products affects the health, hygiene of birds, animals and fish products.

Thus, air and water are very important. Critical for hygiene.

Pollution from roads happen by dust and exhaust from vehicles.

Dust particles.
The air quality depends upon dust particles and infectious germs. The dust particles from roads, due to broken faulty drainage. 

Link to this YouTube. Search.

As the road surface is dependent upon water drainage. Broken road surfaces are due to stagnant water. This generate dust due to vehicles and speed winds. 

The stagnant water on roads due to broken drainage gutters, generates dust particles infection upon drying of water.
Clean road surfaces requires good drainage gutters.

Road surfaces must be free from leaves of trees and garbage disposals.

Quality of air and water is important.
Equipments used are.
Sweeping truck vehicles.
Smog towers machines.
Air purifier machines.

Use of electric vehicles. To control of vehicles pollution of air. As petrol and diesel vehicles pollute the air.

Use of bleaching powder, chlorine, other water disinfectants. 

New Delhi gets its first smog tower air public place January 2020

Delhi gets two air purifying devices to control air pollution public place 

Delhi govt to set-up Smog tower to filter polluted air: Kejriwal air purifier public place October 2020 

Delhi's 1st-of-its-kind smog tower. Fighting Delhi pollution. Oneindia News air purifier public place October 2020 

World’s Largest Air Purifier Helps Reduce Haze in Northwest China City public place April 2018 

Giant air purifier in China creates jewelry public place

Search YouTube


Reality of Diwali Firecrackers. Health Impact compared to Cars & industries.

After the firecracker ban, many people have misunderstood the original purpose of ban.

Firecrackers are disastrous for our own health more than city's air.  

It cannot be compared to pollution from cars or industries.

Government, air, water, clean, health.

Floor Sweepers. Air, Dust.

Biofuel. Home made.

India deserves best.

Meaning of Bharat.

History of India by Jaffrey Armstrong.

Born 1897. Aged 124 years.

Link to this article.
Air pollution. Water.


Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Meaning of Bharat.

Indian culture is:
Unity in diversity.  

Meaning of Bharat. 
Bha - sensational experience.
Ra - raga, tune.
Tha - rhythm.  

The different rhythms of many in tune with single raga. 

Bharat, has culture with many religions. 

Single God is dictatorship.

Different tools are different gods.

The goal is liberation.

Democratic power is the balance of mind and body.

Hindustan means land between Himalayas and Indian Ocean.

istha devata - is ones own created God. 

“Bharatvarsha” lived for thousands of years, a union of over two hundred kingdoms.  

King Bharata extended the boundaries of his empire, more through inclusion than conquest.

The arts evolved phenomenally in this land. A few thousand years ago when the rest of the world was striving and struggling in nomadic groups for survival, India saw the heights of music, mathematics, astronomy and scientific development.

Indians took pride in building the nation not on the sameness of people but on their diversity. 

Every fifty kilometres of travel, you found people with different languages and lifestyles. 

The fundamental aspect of living in India is that whether you are a king, businessman or householder, your highest goal is mukti or liberation. It was not even god or heaven. God is just a stepping stone for us. 

This country is the only “god-less” country on the planet because here, we know that God is of our making. 

We developed a whole science of “god-making” through which you can create your very own god – your ishta devata. This is a land of an estimated 330 million gods and goddesses.

India never had any belief system or established morality. There was only vibrant spirituality, and that has always been the guiding force. 

If spirituality is lost, this is the most immoral country because we have no guilt problems like in the West. 

We have the know-how and scientific methods that could lead to wellbeing of all.  

Before individuals step out towards external accomplishments, they must arrive at a sense of inner wellbeing.

The very basis of what we refer to as Bharat is this inclusiveness.

Link to this article.
Meaning of Bharat.

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Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Born 1897 Aged 124 years

Born in 1897. Aged 124 years, as on 2021.  

Dharam Pal Singh Gujjar, a champion marathon runner from rural India, is 124 years old. 

Claimed to be the world’s oldest marathon runner.  

But the officials from USA are not accepting his date of birth.  

He lacks a birth certificate, due to the fact that they were not regularly issued in remote villages in India at the time of Singh’s birth.  

He refers to his (1) passport, (2) voter ID card, and (3) tax identification card pan, all government issued identity documents. To prove his date of birth.  

All of the documents list as October 6, 1897. Born in Meerut, India.  

If Dharam is as old as he says, that would make him the oldest man alive.  

Singh practices yoga and meditation. He says that his daily diet consists of:

A concoction that he makes from leaves from various plants and trees. 

Which he forages in order to make a vegetarian chutney.   

He says that, he is running to bring pride to India. 

He says: 

“I run in the streets of the village and the kids run along with me. 

As long as I’m alive, I will keep running. 

I’ll run until I die.” 

Search YouTube for:

Link to this article.
Born 1897. Aged 124 years.


Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Indian History. Jaffrey Armstrong

Below is the video by Jeffrey Armstrong. 

He explains, who is threatened by Narendra Modi. 
Who exactly is Narendra Modi. 
His character, dedication to higher principles, truth. 
Respect for other religions is hindutwa. 
To protect and establish justice. 

Vedic, Sanatan Dharma. 
Non colonising. 
Non fragmenting. 
Respects disagreements. 
Live and let live. 
Objective of all living entities for peace. 
Immortal beings. 
Unity in diversity. 
First in thousand years. 
Not a puppet of evil. 

Anyone who doesn't want India to be hindu, will dislike Modi. 
His dedication is to support Vedic hindu culture. 
To lead everyone in a peaceful way for living together. 
Humble, courageous, clear and outspoken. 
Doesn't speak harshly of others. 
Dedicated, determined, focused with higher character. 
Role model, leader. 
Using multiple modalities to deal with current crisis. 

Multiple modalities of science from ayurveda, yoga, diet, wellbeing, holistic, herbs, modern medicines, vaccines, ancient ways of healing. 
Ancient culture on planet. 
Ancient sophisticated reliable renaissance. 
Honest integrus pm. 
Healing the ancient colonial damage. 

Restoring social environment in a mad World. 
Connected in spirit with mother Vandana Shiva. Healing agriculture. 
Modalities, essence of Hindu way of living. 
Peacefully upon earth. 
Correct utilisation of land. 
Relationship with one another. 
Foster growth of culture. 
Education and educational institutions, Learning. 
Respectful nonviolent way. 

Guidance of Acharya. Teaching by example. 
Powerful, humble, kind, intelligent, erudite, learned. 
Not from a powerful family. 
To personify Vedic ideal. 
Rise to position by merit. 
Lesson to democracy. 
Personification of using resources to benifit everyone. 
Playing a long viewed game plan. 
Renaissance of Hindu Vedic culture. 
Karishma from Krishna.

Who are afraid of Modi are as follows: 
Violent library burners are afraid of him. 
Malicious intentions. Dominating. 
Anti Diversity, anti bio-diversity, anti ecology, anti immortal, Violent. 

Democracy is threatened by billionaires. 
Wealth providing political power and influence. 
Abuse of money and resources.

Who is Narendra Modi
Search more.

Law enforcement in india.

India deserves best.

Meaning of Bharat.

Government, air, water, clean, health.

India's global contribution. Sadhguru.

Jeffrey Armstrong speaks passionately about India. 
Provides insights into
the history of empire and colonisation.

Britain's $45 trillion India loot was expressly sanctioned by the Church (pope).

India civilised & shaped the modern world - and how the West stole Indian
inventions which it subsequently claimed credit for.
Link to this video. Search more.

The West has erased records of Ancient Greece & Rome being civilised by
Link to this video. Search more.

India after experiencing centuries of barbaric colonisation, how India is
now reverse-colonising the world.
Link to this video. Search more.

Link to this article.
History of India by Jaffrey Armstrong.

Link to main page.
