Process of Hydroseeding in India. (Read More Here: From Wiki) It is used to grow grass on larger areas like, golf courses, lawns etc. To provide cost-effective conventional methods. Starting a lawn by hydroseeding is considerably cheaper than laying sod/turf and quicker than using seed. It is also used to spread mixtures of wildflower and tree/shrub seeds or turf grasses for erosion control.
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Hydroseeding is a planting process which utilizes a slurry (of seed and mulch). The slurry is transported in a tank, either truck or trailer mounted and sprayed over prepared ground in a uniform layer. It promotes quick germination and inhibits soil erosion. The mulch in the hydroseed mixture helps maintain the moisture level of the seed and seedlings. The slurry often has other ingredients including fertilizer, tackifying agents, green dye and other additives.
YouTube. Google Images. Google Web.
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Hydroseeding is a planting process which utilizes a slurry (of seed and mulch). The slurry is transported in a tank, either truck or trailer mounted and sprayed over prepared ground in a uniform layer. It promotes quick germination and inhibits soil erosion. The mulch in the hydroseed mixture helps maintain the moisture level of the seed and seedlings. The slurry often has other ingredients including fertilizer, tackifying agents, green dye and other additives.
YouTube. Google Images. Google Web.