Ropeway is one of the best solutions for transportation in steep hilly regions. As the narrow roads with longer distances, due to curves and twists make it difficult and time consuming to move from one place to other. It also saves man errors and risks compared to dangerous driving in hilly areas. This system also improves revenue by transporting the precious apple crop in colder regions. It has been noted that the apple crop is under loss due to poor transportation facilities in these regions. Ropeway usually comprises a jackstay, slung between two sheers (or gyns), one at either end, from which is suspended a block and tackle, that is free to travel along the rope and hauled back and forth by inhauls.
Here is the link to one of the Indian manufacturer, CRS Ropeway in Kolkata, India.
Read more about Darjeeling Ropeway at Wiki:
Aerial tramway:
Gondola lift:
Cable car:
Aerial lift:
Google Ropeway)