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Sunday, March 20, 2022

Modi to Farook Abdullah

Mr Farook Abdullah was chief minister CM from 1986 to 1990. 

In 1989 he released 70 terrorists. This was the reason for exodus of Kashmir Hindus.

In 1991 he directed his party members to go Pakistan and receive arms training, but not to get caught by Mr Jagmohan. As he motivated them. 

Mr Farook Abdullah is challenged by PM Modi.

In the past thousand years of Indian history. The deepest wound is from Kashmir. Because of Mr Farook Abdullah’s selfish political interest. 

PM Modi, with Commitment of secularism. Brotherhood and prosperity.

Sarva pantha samabhav, (equality).

Ekam Sat Vipra Bahudha Vadanti (this is an Upanishadic statement, meaning One God Is Worshipped In Different Names).

Link to this article.
Modi to Farook Abdullah.

Indian sanatani muslims.

Video of Sri Sri Ravishankar on diversity of religions.

Kannada Ibrahim Sutar.

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