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Friday, August 19, 2022

Creating India. Creating our life.

If we want to live a good life. Then we must create it ourselves. Good life means our body and mind must be healthy.
We can create a good life for ourselves by spreading the awareness to people arround us.

Here is a link, how to spread the awareness. How to transform India. The Critical Mass, Experiment:

Here is the link, how to create a good health. Control of Air pollution, and Water.

Government, air, water, clean, health.

Floor Sweepers. Air, Dust.

Animal shelter. For stray animals.

Manual sweeper walking, cycling.

Biofuel. Home made.

India deserves best.

Meaning of Bharat.

History of India by Jaffrey Armstrong.

Born 1897. Aged 124 years.

India can change.

Alternative energy.

Writing my first book.

Educational Tour to Developed Nations.

Hot Water Sulphur Spring Pool in India.

Link to this article.
Creating India. Creating our life.

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