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Monday, August 19, 2024

Gandhi & Partition.

Initially Mohandas Gandhi was against partition.  But in 1947 due to riots of hindu muslim.  He agreed for partition to stop the riots.

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Ghandhi wanted to visit Pakistan to establish peace and brotherhood. 
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In the years of 1940's. India did not have arms, ammunition and military to fight. The path of peaceful protests to demand freedom was one of the better paths to choose. Due to his thoughts people were attracted. Because higher percentage of population could easily adopt this path of struggle. 

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Ghandhi & partition.
@. Blogger

Mahatma Gandhi, a spiritual and political reformer. A man of intense activity, nevertheless spent one day a week in complete silence. From this he drew power to lead the whole nation of India to freedom.

Accomplishment of Mahatma Gandhi: he brought freedom to 400 million people by his spiritual influence. 

He was scoffed at and spent many years in prison, but still he went on. 

Ultimately, his spirit of righteousness triumphed, and he became instrumental in freeing India by peaceful means. 

His life stands as a monumental example of the practical application of Christ’s doctrines. 

Because one individual sowed goodness, millions reaped that goodness and freedom.

Gandhi had a mission to fulfil, which would be best accomplished by identifying himself materially as well as spiritually with the downtrodden masses.

Mahatma Gandhi wrote: “Those who will meditate on the Gita will derive fresh joy and new meanings from it every day. There is not a single spiritual tangle which the Gita cannot unravel.”

- Paramahansa Yogananda. The Second Coming of Christ.
