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Tuesday, December 10, 2024

UCC. Uniform Civil Code.

A Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in India would cover a range of laws, including: 
Marriage, Divorce, Maintenance, Inheritance, Adoption, and Succession of property. 

The UCC is mentioned in Article 44 of the Indian Constitution. As a Directive Principle of State Policy.

This means that the indian states should try to provide a UCC for it's citizens.
It is not yet a legally enforceable central right. But it has to be.

The UCC would replace personal laws based on religion, caste, creed, sexual orientation, and gender. 

It will aim to: 
@. Treat all citizens equally, regardless of their religious background.
@. Promote gender equality and religious neutrality.
@. Address issues like child marriages, polygamy, and triple talaq 
@. Foster national integration and secularism
@. Banning polygamy.
@. Setting minimum ages for marriage.
@. Prohibiting marriage with relatives.
@. Granting equal inheritance rights to sons and daughters.
@. Regulating live-in relationships.
@. Address communal and sectarian conflicts.
@. Simplify the legal system.

The UCC is based on the premise that there is no connection between religion and law in modern civilization.

Link to this article. 
UCC. Uniform Civil Code. 
@. Blogger
