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Thursday, January 9, 2025

Usa Dollar


Why usa Dollar Is A Global Currency?

Nation can purchase goods from other nations when there is currency. 

Currency can be printed depending upon the gold stocks. 

Nations strength depends upon gold reserves. 

Another way is.

Currency can increase if the nation produces more goods. Because currency can purchase gold. 

Beginning of 1900 uk United kingdom was producing more maximum goods in the entire world. 

Uk was getting more currency by selling goods. Thus collecting gold deposits. Surplus gold. 
This increased the value of uk sterling pound. 
60 percentage of world market was trading in sterling pound currency. 
Similar to todays usa dollars. 
Many nations started collecting sterling pound instead of gold.
Increasing currency values. 

In 1930 everything started changing. 
Usa dollar started gaining value due to starting of first world war. 
Due to war uk creates debit loans of 25 percentage of uk's gdp.
Thus reduction in gold deposits due to expenditure for war.
Instead of producing goods uk was importing goods.
Usa was producing ammunitions and selling to other nations. Creating more surplus currency and gold deposits. But usa was lacking central banks and trade administration restrictions. 

Thus usa started central banks. 
And created federal reserve acts laws administration. 
Established in global world economy. 
Beginning for usa.

Today usa is not a big exporter. 
Imports skilled technical resources from India. 

In the second world war usa collects maximum 70 percentage of gold reserve in the entire world. 
22 thousand tonnes of gold deposits. By exporting. 
Replacing sterling pound by usa dollar. 
Germany printed 5 lacks fake sterling pound currency to be introduced in global world economy.

Why usa Dollar Is A Global Currency?

Link to this video

Link to this article. 
@. Blogger


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Ancient History of India

Here are 3 videos.
@. Video.01. @. Video.02.  @. Video.03

By Astrophysicist.
Scientist. Mr. Abhijit Chavda. 

Indian School History books need to change. 

Indian school books refer only 3 thousand years. But it's 15 thousand years. 

90% of earths population of non Africans are Indian origin. Indian desendants spread across entire earth.

Indian history of humanity. Male origin atleast 50 thousand years primitive. Female 60 thousand years. 

Migration to India from Africa crossing Arabian greenland.
Male and female genetic footprint signature of haplo lineage is Indian. 

Earths phases of global changes of cooling and warming.

Indian survival near equator tropical zone. Due to pleasant climate conductive to human settlement during ice age. Before 25 thousand years. Migration to north America by frozen land.

Ice age of 2 thousand years before 12 thousand years due to meteor crash in greenland. 

Different skin appearance due to skin vitamin d melanin of sunlight climate for 15 generations.

Smaller eyes due to colder climate eye blindness. 

Australian Humans existed before 60 thousand years. Was open air jail.

@. 15 thousand years before.
Indian Civilization. Archeological evidence. City planning. Drainage system. Urbanized. Harappa. Mohenjo daro. Veeranna. Kalebangan. Rakigadi. 

@. 4 thousand years before.
Australian genetic profile 12% infused with harrapan Indian dna genetics signature. Ship Migration.  Animal brown dog wild dingo. Archeological tools. 
Other places are Syria. Turkey.
Description in vedas. Reference to Africa. South America.
Zebu cattle of indian origin in Egypt. Link.
Langoor monkey in Santorini island. Link.
Literature books burned lost evidence by invasions. Link

@. 5 thousand years before. 
Banaras varanasi archeological evidence. Link.
Chandraketu near Bengal. Link
Patliputra patna. Link

@. 11 thousand years before. 

@. 10 thousand years old. 
Harappa haryana. 

Ancient Indian History, 
Harappa Civilization, Mohenjo Daro, Genetics, Archeology, 
World War, 
Indian DNA, Eastern European Culture, Ahom Dynasty and Ancient Geopolitics.

Why people look different in different countries.

History of Banaras.
Difference between Eastern European culture and Indian culture.

Which part of India Mughals could not conquer. Bon religion. 
Story of Alexander. 
King Kanishka spread Indian culture all over the world.
Archeology, Genetics, Facts and Real Science.

Chola Dynasty, Kushan Empire, Geopolitics, Mohenjo Daro, Harappa Civilization, Northeast History, Tantric Buddhism. Ahom Dynasty.

Ancient History Secrets You Did Not Know Before ft. Abhijit Chavda. Ranveer Allahbadia.
Link to this @. Video.01.  

10 CRAZY STORIES From India's History ft. Abhijit Chavda. Ranveer Allahbadia.
Link to this video

Over 90% Of Non-African Males Have Indian Ancestry.
Abhijit Chavda.
Like to this video. @. Video.02.  

Link to this article. 
Ancient history of India.
@. Blogger


Tuesday, December 10, 2024

UCC. Uniform Civil Code.

A Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in India would cover a range of laws, including: 
Marriage, Divorce, Maintenance, Inheritance, Adoption, and Succession of property. 

The UCC is mentioned in Article 44 of the Indian Constitution. As a Directive Principle of State Policy.

This means that the indian states should try to provide a UCC for it's citizens.
It is not yet a legally enforceable central right. But it has to be.

The UCC would replace personal laws based on religion, caste, creed, sexual orientation, and gender. 

It will aim to: 
@. Treat all citizens equally, regardless of their religious background.
@. Promote gender equality and religious neutrality.
@. Address issues like child marriages, polygamy, and triple talaq 
@. Foster national integration and secularism
@. Banning polygamy.
@. Setting minimum ages for marriage.
@. Prohibiting marriage with relatives.
@. Granting equal inheritance rights to sons and daughters.
@. Regulating live-in relationships.
@. Address communal and sectarian conflicts.
@. Simplify the legal system.

The UCC is based on the premise that there is no connection between religion and law in modern civilization.

Link to this article. 
UCC. Uniform Civil Code. 
@. Blogger


Monday, August 19, 2024

Gandhi & Partition.

Initially Mohandas Gandhi was against partition.  But in 1947 due to riots of hindu muslim.  He agreed for partition to stop the riots.

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Ghandhi wanted to visit Pakistan to establish peace and brotherhood. 
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In the years of 1940's. India did not have arms, ammunition and military to fight. The path of peaceful protests to demand freedom was one of the better paths to choose. Due to his thoughts people were attracted. Because higher percentage of population could easily adopt this path of struggle. 

Link to this article.
Ghandhi & partition.
@. Blogger

Mahatma Gandhi, a spiritual and political reformer. A man of intense activity, nevertheless spent one day a week in complete silence. From this he drew power to lead the whole nation of India to freedom.

Accomplishment of Mahatma Gandhi: he brought freedom to 400 million people by his spiritual influence. 

He was scoffed at and spent many years in prison, but still he went on. 

Ultimately, his spirit of righteousness triumphed, and he became instrumental in freeing India by peaceful means. 

His life stands as a monumental example of the practical application of Christ’s doctrines. 

Because one individual sowed goodness, millions reaped that goodness and freedom.

Gandhi had a mission to fulfil, which would be best accomplished by identifying himself materially as well as spiritually with the downtrodden masses.

Mahatma Gandhi wrote: “Those who will meditate on the Gita will derive fresh joy and new meanings from it every day. There is not a single spiritual tangle which the Gita cannot unravel.”

- Paramahansa Yogananda. The Second Coming of Christ.


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Corruption & Meditation.

How to eliminate Corruption.

Meditation will eliminate corruption. Daily Meditation for 60 minutes minimum must be made mandatory in all government office, education institutions.  Also in private sector.
Link to this video.  Search more. 

Transformation of emotions. 

Benefits of meditation.

Why to meditate.

Meditation is a healing scientific technique implemented by all religions and casts. Concept of Sanatan Dharma. Including muslims and christians of Sanatan Dharma.
Link to this video.  Search more.

Scientific Experiments.

Population control law for two children is necessary for Indian citizens. 

Read more about this. 
Suggestions for India.

Along with education, meditation is also necessary. My education transformed me superficially. Made me civilized. But. My meditation transformed me deeply, made me realized.
Read more about this.

Education with Meditation.

If we want to live a good life. Then we must create it ourselves. Good life means our body and mind must be healthy.
We can create a good life for ourselves by spreading the awareness to people arround us.
Read more about this.

Creating India. Creating our life.

How to transform India. 
How to bring transformation. 
Transformation with Persistence.
Read more about this. 

Story of scientists experiment.

India is unconquerable. 
How India survived brutal invasions. 
Find out the science behind sanatan dharma.
Either muslim, christian or whatever. 
We all have hindu DNA. 
Only Hinduism gives us full freedom to search.
Questions answered: Why Religion and Conflict ?
Why India has 33 million Gods & Goddesses ?
How British Looted India. Facts of Indian Civilization. Indian history explained. 
Read more about this. 

Bharat Hinduism Religion Culture.

United we stand.  Unity in diversity. 
Read more about this. 

Cast, God and Religion.

Transformation by contagious minds. 

Everything is contagious.

Link to this article. 
Corruption & Meditation. 


Saturday, January 13, 2024

Suggestions for India

Meditation will eliminate corruption. Meditation for 60 minutes minimum must be made mandatory in all government office, education institutions.  Also in private sector.

Population control policy.  Restriction for number of children per family. Or for each man (or husband) and woman (or wife). 

Increase the ro drinking water dispensing centers.

Provide good quality dust free breathing air in public places. Provide air-conditioned buses and trains at a normal Lower ticket price. Do not allow standing passengers for routes more than 30 minutes journey time. Do not charge ticket price for standing passengers.  Collect ticket money only for sitting seats. Not for standing Passengers. Search more.

All buses and trains must be dust free air-conditioned buses.  Not only in big cities but all other towns and villages in bharat. Bus and trains must be washed with soap water disinfectant everyday. Eliminate pests,  cockroaches and insects inside train and bus. Provide light weight public transport electric vehicles.

Provide air-conditioning in general and second class railway couches. There are cockroaches, pests and dust in general and second class railway couches.  Every citizen must be provided world class facilities with par to other nations which are having same ranking as of bharat.

Eliminate and ban all the tobacco products. Eliminate tobacco products which create air, water and garbage waste pollution. Another solution is to make meditation compulsory. To eliminate bad addictions. 

There must be no stray animals on streets.  Provide animal shelters everywhere across bharat.

Reduce price of health care products like detergent,  soap, chlorine liquid, water purifiers,  air purifiers,  health products.

Provide footpaths and gutters to control dust on all roads. Not only in big cities but also in villages.

Eliminate caste based Reservations. Free education, food,  shelter,  clothing. 

Provide low priced electric vehicles,  vacuum cleaners,  sweeper machines, air and water purifiers. 

Provide financial discounts to those who don't have financial strength for education.  Provide free or low fees professional education for medical,  engineering,  Law, and all other professional education.

Provide cheaper food restaurants and outlets similar to Indira canteen.

Providing medicines at a cheaper price was a good initiative. Improve and increase the Service outlets. 

Centralized internet database of resumes for employment of the unemployed. Centralized human resource management by government of India. 

Provide small piece of farmland to every citizen. Fix the limit of farmland ownership for each individual citizen.

Distribute total income equally among all employees.  Provide equal salary limits for all citizens. For 5 years period. After which the salaries can be based on qualification or contribution for next five years.  This can be changed and repeated every 5 years. This must be implemented only after proper analysis of effects on economy.

People's few visions, suggestions and expectations for a better India.

Modi is the Best thing that happen to India Ever. (Samvada English)

Link to this video.

Link to this video

Sujit Nair:
Why aren't the Gandhis arrested yet?
Link to this Video.

Centre Stops ₹7000 Cr Ration Funds To State For Not Putting PM’s Photo.
Link to this video.

Link to this article.
Suggestions for India.

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Search Tags.
Grievances, suggestions for India, Bharat, pm, Narendra Modi.


Saturday, December 30, 2023

Bharat Hinduism Religion Culture

Unconquerable India:

How India Survived Brutal Invasions. By Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev.

Link to this video. Instagram video. Download mp3 audio

The Science Behind Sanatan Dharma. By Sadhguru.

Link to this video. Search more. Download mp3 audio

Muslim, christian or whatever. We All Have Hindu DNA. By Dr. Sofiya Rangwala.

Link to this video

As a Muslim, I found that only Hinduism gives us full freedom to search.

Link to this video

Dr Shashi Tharoor explains Hinduism.

Link to this video

Why Religion and Conflict?. By Sadhguru.

Link to this video. Search more.

Why Bharat Has 33 million Gods & Goddesses. By Sadhguru.

Link to this video. Search more.

The Whole World Should Seek Their Ultimate Nature. Sanatan Dharma by Sadhguru.

Link to this video. Search more.

Anand Ranganathan. Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha in Ayodhya (Consecration). India.
Link to this video. Search more.

British Loot. Indian Civilization. Vishuddhi Films.
Link to this video. Search more.

Indian history.

Link to this article.

Bharat Hinduism Religion Culture.

Indian sanatani muslims.

Meaning of Bharat.

History of India by Jaffrey Armstrong.

Link to main page.

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Saturday, October 21, 2023

Kashmir glass ceiling train.

In Kashmir valley, Indian Railways launched the Vistadome Coach, an all-weather glass-ceiling air-conditioned train. 

Visitors will find opportunity to see Kashmir's scenery. As they will be able to do so from a glass carriage.

With tourism in the Kashmir valley hitting record highs this year 2023, the government of India has given residents and visitors an additional experience. 

Link to this video

Link to this video.

Link to this video.

Link to this video.

Link to this video.

Sharing a few links below, to explore the journey of my life. It's an effort to provide better understanding of life. This might even help in finding solutions and answers to problems and questions.

Control of Air pollution, and Water.

Government, air, water, clean, health.

Floor Sweepers. Air, Dust.

Animal shelter. For stray animals.

Manual sweeper walking, cycling.

Biofuel. Home made.

India deserves best.

Meaning of Bharat.

History of India by Jaffrey Armstrong.

Born 1897. Aged 124 years.

India can change.

Alternative energy.

Writing my first book.

Educational Tour to Developed Nations.

Hot Water Sulphur Spring Pool in India.

Link to this article.
Creating India. Creating our life.

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Kashmir glass ceiling train.


Thursday, August 31, 2023

Bollywood & Hollywood

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How India can harness the soft power of Bollywood

Hollywood sold you the American dream. 

James Bond marketed the Great Britain.

Bollywood must not reduce India to a land of entertainer.

Do you hear people who have never been to the USA, America is their dreamland? 

When Starbucks opened in India, do you remember the craze around it? 

Have you seen people line up outside newly opened american shops to grab a bite of what they have only seen in the movies?

What explains this charm around American ways and things? It is called soft power.

It's a term coined by American scientist Joseph Nye and a concept mastered by the Americans.  Soft power. you could say, is the ability to get what you want through attraction rather than coercion.

So what does America want? To project itself as the world's most desirable country. In the most prized, treasured, cherished and priceless possession, anywhere in the world it's called American citizenship.

There is no higher honor and no greater privilege. 
How did they sell the American dream? Through Hollywood, a walk on Times Square, weekends at Long Island, vacations in Miami, fall in Vermont, the Ivy League colleges, the steak and the beer. 

Most of those applying for an H-1B visa or an American college want this life. They want to live the American culture, nothing wrong with that, it's just that American culture sounds oxymoronic.

What about India, the land of culture? How are we telling India's story to the world through Bollywood?

How is Bollywood telling India's story to the world?  By reducing us to entertainers.

Think of a Hollywood movie, one where the planet is being attacked by aliens. Who do you see stepping up to fight for the human race? An American superhero. Look closely. Where are all the important decisions being taken? In the White House. This is Hollywood building America's image, projecting Washington as the global superpower, the upholder of human rights and dignity, the harbinger of democracy and justice.

Come aliens or the end of the world, the president of America is on his toes and he is the man calling the shots. What are Indians doing?  Dancing. When Ravan shows up, the job of Bollywood's first superhero, unless you're countering Shakti Man.

Bollywood is not interested in taking India's narrative forward. In American movies, first Russia and now China is the villain. They're in tune with geopolitics. 

In Bollywood, we go from Chandni Chok to China.

In Bollywood. Our heroes in uniform can be so cliched that they are falling in love with women from an enemy country. 

How else will their love story be tragic? We are not against falling in love with whoever you want to. We are talking about soft power and cinema here.

America calls Iran the world's biggest exporter of terrorism. India gives that prestigious title to its dear neighbour on the west.  In Hollywood, Iran is the bad guy.

In Bollywood, a puppy-eyed girl from Pakistan is harassed by Indian men and sold to a brothel. I am not saying spew hate, but at least do not blur the narrative. 

Soft power is about whose story wins. This is Bollywood making Pakistan's story win.

In another movie, Salman Khan is a raw agent. He elopes with his counterpart from Pakistan's ISI. Indians and Pakistanis are shown as equally bad. And then all of these movies become box office hits. Because all we care for is masala, entertainment.

Bollywood is well within its rights to make movies just for entertainment. It doesn't have to push India's narrative. After all, how is it being rewarded by the government of India?

Hollywood movies get incentives for filming at home. They get tax shelters, cash rebates, grants. 

The UK and Malta provide easy clearances and rebates up to 30 to 40 percent. 

In India, the incentives are much lower. 

Getting permission for historical sites is difficult. American movies can shoot at NASA. The space agency lent its space suits for the 1998 film Armageddon. Hollywood can use NASA's property and even the logo. Transformers shot at not one, not two, but four different NASA locations.  But filmmakers of mission Mongol had to recreate a set that looked like ISRO. If India wants Bollywood to carry its narrative forward, it has to offer a symbiosis. Offer incentives. Indian film industry is the world's largest producer of movies. In 2018, India made 2022 films. In 2017, the number was 1907. 

The film industry is among the fastest growing sectors. It is recession-proof. Bollywood is watched by people across the globe. Bollywood celebrities are admired globally.

It is the job of the government to tap into the potential of this industry. It is the job of the government to harness Bollywood's soft power. The Chinese president is asking filmmakers to make science fiction movies to push the Chinese narrative. When the UK wanted to promote the London Olympics,  it invited James Bond into the Buckingham Palace. 

America is using superheroes to sell dreams and coffee. 

What is stopping India?

Link to this article.
Bollywood & Hollywood.


Friday, June 16, 2023

India Locations.

Beautiful locations places to visit in India. 

Dhuandhar Falls. Narmada River. Bheda Ghat. Jabalpur. Madhya Pradesh.
Search more. Google. YouTube. News.

BARABAR caves. Bihar. India.

Breathtaking Precision and Geometry Discovered in Ancient Indian Granite Caves.

Most remarkable ancient structures on the planet. 

A series of granite rock-cut caves, that recent studies utilizing modern 3d-scanning technology have been revealed to have utterly incredible precision and astonishing geometry. 

Example of high precision found in seemingly out-of-place architecture that has persisted from the ancient world, only discoverable in modern times with the use of sophisticated technology. 

Kailash temple 
Ellora. Aurangabad. Maharashtra. 
@. Video.01. @. Video.02.  

Ranakpur Rajasthan.
Kumbhalgarh Rajasthan
Largest wall widest wall or longest wall. 
@. Video.01.  @. Video.02.  


Sunday, February 12, 2023

Modi against Corruption.

PM Narendra Modi's initiative to anti-corruption in india.
Modi's plan to eliminate corruption.

Government says that digital India will fully eliminated corruption.

Modi's digital anti-corruption.

Search youtube.

PM Modi says corruption and nepotism 'dented' India. It's eating India like termite. 
Link to this video.

Narendra Modi says. Corruption has reduced as India went online. Find out how.
Link to this video.

Modi says. We should refrain from glorifying corrupt people in public life.
Link to this video.

How is digital technology enhancing transparency and eliminating corruption? 
Know it in this video.
Link to this video.

There are two big challenges - corruption and nepotism: PM Narendra Modi.
Link to this video.

Search youtube.
Corruption and nepotism.

Digital India a medium to reduce corruption: Narendra Modi.
Link to this video.

PM Modi: Digital India is a war against corruption.
Link to this video.

Go digital and become soldiers against corruption, black money: PM Modi
Link to this video.

PM Modi's message to CBI, Vigilance Commission on corruption.

Search youtube.

News article.

The public campaign in 2011 resulted in the passage of the Lokpal law. 

BJP supported Lokpal and rode to power in 2014.

The chairperson and members of the Lokpal were appointed only in March 2019.

selection committee, without the LoP ( Leader of the Opposition ) was set up. 

The Prime Minister, Speaker, and the then Chief Justice of India appointed Mukul Rohatgi.

The Central government has failed to formulate rules regarding asset disclosure by public servants.

The Lokpal has not appointed the Director of Inquiry or Prosecution.

The website of the Lokpal states that it scrutinised 1,065 complaints received till September 30, 2019 and disposed of 1,000.

The failure to operationalise the Lokpal in an effective manner lays bare the lack of political will of the BJP government.

Investigators are.
Anjali Bhardwaj and 
Amrita Johri 
They are transparency and anti-corruption activists.
Associated with the 
National Campaign for Peoples Right to Information.

Search Youtube.

The Decline Of India’s Independent Institutions.

Has Corruption reduced in India
Reports Lokpal Electoral Bonds. UPSC.

How to Solve 3 Biggest Problem of Indian Economy? Trade Deficit, Poverty & Recession. UPSC GS3 StudyIQ IAS.

Search videos.

There are two big challenges - corruption and nepotism: PM Narendra Modi

Kejriwal's list of most corrupt politicians.

PM Modi's has fought to end corruption, nepotism and casteism since his arrival to national politics.

The Big Fight: 
Do high marks ensure success in life?

Wash your face with Dettol: 
Nirmala Sitharaman slams Congress over corruption charges

Kejriwal's list of most corrupt politicians

Kejriwal's list included Congress.

Suresh Kalmadi, 
Rahul Gandhi, 
BJP's Gadkari, 
Sushilkumar Shinde, 
NCP's Praful Patel, 
Anant kumar, 
Veerappa Moily. 
BS Yedyurappa.  
HD Kumaraswamy, 
P Chidambaram, 
GK Wasan, 
Salman Khurshid, 
Mulayam Singh Yadav, 
Anu Tandon, 
Sriprakash Jaiswal. 
Jaganmohan Reddy, 
Anurag Thakur, 
Kapil Sibal, 
Kamal Nath, 
Pawan Bansal, 
Farooq Abdullah, 
Naveen Jindal, 
Avatar Singh Bhadana, 
Sharad Pawar. 
A Raja and 
Tarun Gogoi.

Nirmala sitaraman says. ‘Wash Your Face With Dettol’, FM's Retort To Congress On corruption charges.

Wash Your Face With Dettol.
FM Nirmala Sitharaman Slams Congress Over Corruption Charges.

Smriti Irani targets Gandhi-Vadra family over corruption.

"Those Out On Bail..Trying To Hide Corruption": 
Smriti Irani's Jibe At Congress' Power Show.

'Arvind Kejriwal Gave Clean Chit To A Corrupt Person' 
Says Smriti Irani.

Smriti Irani Vs Sonia Gandhi
Parliament Speech.

Jon Stewart: 
Hunter Biden 'nepotism' led to 'corruption, straight up'.

Link to this article.
Modi against corruption.


Friday, August 19, 2022

Creating India. Creating our life.

If we want to live a good life. Then we must create it ourselves. Good life means our body and mind must be healthy.
We can create a good life for ourselves by spreading the awareness to people arround us.

Here is a link, how to spread the awareness. How to transform India. The Critical Mass, Experiment:

Here is the link, how to create a good health. Control of Air pollution, and Water.

Government, air, water, clean, health.

Floor Sweepers. Air, Dust.

Animal shelter. For stray animals.

Manual sweeper walking, cycling.

Biofuel. Home made.

India deserves best.

Meaning of Bharat.

History of India by Jaffrey Armstrong.

Born 1897. Aged 124 years.

India can change.

Alternative energy.

Writing my first book.

Educational Tour to Developed Nations.

Hot Water Sulphur Spring Pool in India.

Link to this article.
Creating India. Creating our life.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Basavanna Basaveshwara.

Link to this video. Search more.

PM Modi shows his reverence to Bhagwan Basaveshwara in BharatKiBaat.

Replying to a question posed by Santosh Patil from Karnataka.

PM Modi recalled how, even in 12th century, he had  dedicated his life towards empowerment of women and brought together people across castes, class, gender and championed democracy in its truest form.

Anubhava Mantapa, established by Basavanna in the 12th Century C.E. is located in Basavakalyan in Bidar district of Karnataka. It is the first religious parliament in the world whose literal meaning is "experience pavilion".

Anubhava Mantapa the first Parliament of the world.
Link to this video. Search more.

Anubhav mantapa project. 
Link to this video. Search more.

Link to this article.
Basavanna Basaveshwara.

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Monday, March 28, 2022

Chandigarh planned City of India.

As I have lived in Chandigarh. I say that it's one of the best cities I have seen.

Especially the broad straight roads, in square grid layout. 

With plenty of green gardens and huge trees on the road sides.

It's green and clean. Beautiful. 

As it was designed and planned in 1940's and 50's. At the time of Indian independence. By global architects, engineers. 

Below are great videos.

India's Planned Capital City.
Designed by Le Corbusier.
Link to this video. Search more.

In Hindi.
India's best planned city. 
Chandigarh Master Plan 
by Le Corbusier.
Link to this video. Search more.

The Planning of Chandigarh in 5 Minutes.
Link to this video. Search more.

As seen in the below video.
It consists of 40 such road intersections.

Chandigarh - Le Corbusier's architectural wonder, 16 Stadium Chowk as seen from ahigh, aerially.
Link to this video. Search more.

Chandigarh is on rank 3, in India's Cleanest City list.

In 2018, Chandigarh is on the 3rd position in Swachh Survekshan.
Link to this video. Search more.

Link to this article.
Chandigarh planned City of India.

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Sunday, March 20, 2022

Kashmir in 1990's.

In Kashmir Hindus were called as pandits. Which included different castes of Hindus.

The ethnic hindu communities in ancient kashmir didn’t have cast system. Hindus were in minority of five to ten percent collectively called as pandits.

Ethnic Pandits lived past thousands of years.

If we focus from 1987 to 1993.

In the Kashmir state government. Mr Jagmohan was governor from 1984 to 1989. There was presidential rule.

Mr farook Abdullah was chief minister CM from 1986 to 1990. In 1989 he released 70 terrorists. In 1991 he directed his party members to go Pakistan and receive arms training, but not to get caught by Mr Jagmohan. He motivated them. 

In central government. Until 1989 congress was ruling. PM was Mr Rajeev Gandhi. 

In 1990 PM was Mr VP Singh of Janata dal. 

In 1988 Mr Jagmohan had warned PM Mr Rajeev Gandhi, but he neglected, as he was friend of Mr farook Abdullah. He resigned in 1989. 

14 th August was celebrated as Pakistan independence day, and 15 th August was a black out. Hindu women were not allowed to wear tika on forehead. Acid was thrown on face. 

In 1989 five terrorists were released as the daughter of home minister Mr Mufti Muhammad Sayeed was kidnapped by jklf. 

The local Hindus were unable to protect themselves as the terrorists were equipped with sophisticated weapons obtained by Pakistan. Along with the state government support. 
Pakistan ISI spent hundred million rupees per month in 1992. This type of investment was difficult for the Indian army too. Out of question for the local Hindus. 

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Kashmir in 1990's.

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Modi to Farook Abdullah

Mr Farook Abdullah was chief minister CM from 1986 to 1990. 

In 1989 he released 70 terrorists. This was the reason for exodus of Kashmir Hindus.

In 1991 he directed his party members to go Pakistan and receive arms training, but not to get caught by Mr Jagmohan. As he motivated them. 

Mr Farook Abdullah is challenged by PM Modi.

In the past thousand years of Indian history. The deepest wound is from Kashmir. Because of Mr Farook Abdullah’s selfish political interest. 

PM Modi, with Commitment of secularism. Brotherhood and prosperity.

Sarva pantha samabhav, (equality).

Ekam Sat Vipra Bahudha Vadanti (this is an Upanishadic statement, meaning One God Is Worshipped In Different Names).

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Modi to Farook Abdullah.

Indian sanatani muslims.

Video of Sri Sri Ravishankar on diversity of religions.

Kannada Ibrahim Sutar.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Law enforcement in india

Corruption. Cut money. Bribe.

India, bharat can develop only when there is fear to commit crimes.

Strong and strict enforcement of Laws. Strict law and order. Must be extremely strict towards government employees, ministers, ngo, press, media. For all those who are directly responsible for public welfare.

Suggestions for India.

They must be afraid to commit crimes. Strict Punishment is necessary. Government parliament bill resolution for punishment must be extremely strong. Must be passed, accepted, cleared, implemented immediately, as soon as possible.

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Corruption in india. 

Corruption is rampant in india. Corruption is a huge problem and an hurdle for India.

Recently in March 2022 political party AAP won in Punjab. AAP was associated with "India against corruption", Anna Hazare's movement in 2013. 

The Lokpal and lokayukta Bill was passed and approved in 2013. But Since 2019. In the past three years lockpal has not prosecuted any one. Nill, zero. 

Where as the corruption complainants recieved in one year, 2021-22, are four thousand two hundred (4200), against the officers.
In 2020-21 it's 4300. 
In 2019-20 it's 1400.

But zero prosecutions by lokpal.

Past nine years, until 2022. What action is taken by lokpal. 

But there is corruption in india. Lokpal is at Central level. Lokayukta is at the state level.  

It's an anti-corruption institution, ombudsman. It enquiries in allegations of corruption on public personalities including prime minister of India. 

It includes one chairperson and eight members. Prime minister will be the chairman of selection committee, he will advise the President to appoint the chairperson and members. 

Appointment of, director of enquiry prosecution, is missing. 

More videos. 001

Sujit Nair:
Why aren't the Gandhis arrested yet?
Link to this Video.

Centre Stops ₹7000 Cr Ration Funds To State For Not Putting PM’s Photo.
Link to this video.

Corruption cut money bribe.

Types of leaders.

Manipulation to achieve desires.

Logic of Good and Bad:

Anti-Corruption Movement in India.

Corruption in INDIA by Rich Politicians.

My Country, India, Superstitious, Dirty, Corrupt

Duty, Responsibility, Law and Order

Link to this article.
Law enforcement in india.

Indian history.

India is great.


Sunday, March 6, 2022

Indian history. Gravitas. Palki Sharma Upadhyay.

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India has been free for 75 years as of 2022. It's time to reconnect with our rich heritage.

75 years since Independence, time for India to reclaim its rich heritage.

India has always been ahead of the times, be it in mathematics or medicine. 

Yet, when the British colonised India, they hammered in an inferiority complex.

Ancient India was advanced.

Mr Barbayan in 800 BC, calculated Pythagoras theorem. Mr Pythagoras lived in 570 BC. He studied under Hindu sages. 

Mr Hemchand and Mr Gopala studied Fibonacci numbers sequence long before Fibonacci. 

Below is the list of more Indian inventions.

(1) Indian invented zero.

(2) How to calculate value of Phi. 

(3) Decimal system or binary digits.

(4) Mr Arya Bhatta on solar system.

(5) Mr Arya Bhatta on diameter of earth and moon.

(6) Indian science goes beyond 5000 years. 

(7) Indus valley civilisation on English brick bonding.

(8) Doctor Mr Sushrut on plastic surgery in 800 BC, in Kashi. 300 operations and 121 surgical instruments. Used Herbs. Cataract removal. 

(9) Use of turmeric for healing.

(10) Use of neem as pesticide.

History is Eurocentric and false claims. Stealing ideas and innovations. Indian heritage is not inferior. It’s much superior.

(11) Cotton gin machine.

(12) Ancient Dock in Gujarat.

(13) Steel in 500 BC.

(14) Mr Karan on atomic theory before Mr John Dalton. 

(15) Smelting Zink by distillation. 

India never invaded another country.
India thought Science, mathematics and astronomy. And tolerance. 

(16) birth of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism. 

Freedom is being proud of Culture, color, and custom. 
Let’s start looking inwards. 
India has been far ahead of time.

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Indian history.

Bharat Hinduism Religion Culture.


Thursday, December 23, 2021

India is great.

Jis Desh Mein Ganga Behti Hai Raj Kapoor

Link to YouTube.

छोड़ो कल की बातें 
Chhodo Kal Ki Baatein
Link to this YouTube.

Hai Preet Jahan Ki Reet
Link to this YouTube.

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India is great.

Law enforcement in india.

Indian history.
